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A Trailblazing Model In Media



CORRECTIV: Germany's Pioneer in Investigative Journalism

A Trailblazing Model in Media

CORRECTIV: The First Donation-Funded Media Outlet in Germany

CORRECTIV is an innovative and influential nonprofit investigative journalism newsroom that has made a significant mark on the German media landscape. Founded in 2014, CORRECTIV stands out as the first donation-funded news outlet in the country, embracing a model that promotes independence and accountability to its audience.

Mission and Impact

CORRECTIV's mission is to uncover and report on crucial issues affecting German society, using rigorous research and fact-checking. Their investigations have exposed corporate wrongdoings, political scandals, and social injustices, sparking public debate and holding power to account.

Some of their notable achievements include:

  • Uncovering Volkswagen's emissions scandal in 2015
  • Investigating corruption within the German football association in 2016
  • Exposing the human rights abuses in Syrian refugee camps in 2017

A Collaborative Approach

CORRECTIV's strength lies in its collaborative approach to journalism. They work with a network of experienced reporters, data journalists, and researchers, bringing together diverse perspectives and expertise. This collaborative model allows them to tackle complex investigations that traditional news outlets may struggle to pursue.

Independence and Sustainability

As a donation-funded organization, CORRECTIV maintains its independence from political or commercial interests. Their revenue comes solely from contributions from individual donors and foundations, ensuring their reporting remains free and unbiased.

CORRECTIV's financial model has also proven sustainable. By relying on donations, they have secured long-term funding that allows them to invest in high-quality investigative journalism without the pressures of commercial advertising or government subsidies.

International Recognition

CORRECTIV's groundbreaking work has gained international recognition. They have been recognized by organizations such as the European Press Prize, the German Investigation Award, and the Knight International Journalism Awards for their exceptional reporting and commitment to journalistic excellence.

Their success has inspired similar donation-funded journalism models around the world, demonstrating the growing demand for independent and rigorous investigative journalism in the digital age.
